Faith Communities: Partners for a Healthier Community, Faith leaders Appreciation Breakfast

Faith Communities: Partners for a Healthier Community, Faith leaders Appreciation Breakfast

Faith communities play an integral role in the spiritual and physical health and wellbeing of their members.  This is why Lowell Community Health Center and Element Care value(s) our partnerships with all Greater Lowell’s faith communities, collaborating on addressing many health issues including flu vaccinations, mental health, teen pregnancy prevention and helping our ageing congregation to live with dignity, respect and quality of life.

Lowell Community Health Center and Element Care want to invite you to the Annual Faith Leader Breakfast to celebrate their shared  accomplishments and deepen our commitment to a healthier Community.

When:  April 19th  9:00 a.m-10:30 a.m
Where:  Lowell Community Health Center,
161 Jackson Street 6th Floor (CHEC), Lowell, MA 01852

*Parking in the Edward J Early Garage

Please let us know if you can attend. You can RSVP to Molyka Tieng at or calling 978 322- 8768


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