Message from the Executive Director


We are pleased to share with you the Greater Lowell Health Alliance 2023/2024 Annual Report, which looks back on the progress of this past year as we look forward to building an even stronger tomorrow. 

Embarking on our first year of our new strategic plan, we have intensified our focus on expanding our funding sources, enhancing data collection and analysis capabilities, and strengthening relationships to create a more integrated healthcare ecosystem. 

As the Alliance continues to grow in both size and scope to meet the growing and evolving needs of the communities we serve, we have prioritized efforts to identify and procure additional funding sources and expand our fundraising network, including identifying opportunities for collaborative grants to enhance the collective impact on community health. To that end, our GLHA team applied for and was awarded nearly $500,000 in new grants this past year, including multi-year grants. 

Responding to the growing need for professional development programs, the Alliance has taken a leadership role in offering an increasing number of accessible and targeted educational opportunities and learning events to equip professionals with the knowledge and tools to better address the health needs of Greater Lowell. 

This past year we have expanded the scope and impact of our hard-working GLHA task forces with the creation of a Service Navigation task force, the newest focus area identified by the region’s Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP), encompassing access, digital equity, care quality and experiences, and the mutual safety of patients and providers. 

As a data-driven organization, we are continuously seeking to enhance our data collection and analysis capabilities to make informed decisions, allocate resources efficiently, measure the effectiveness of programs and initiatives, and enhance the organization’s overall success. 

That success is a result of true community collaboration, and a priority area of focus each year is building and strengthening our relationships with healthcare providers, government agencies, and non-profit organizations to exchange ideas, share resources, and align efforts to optimize our impact. Our Board of Directors was excited this year to add two outstanding community health directors—Rae Dick from Westford and Donna Greenwood from Chelmsford—to strengthen our governance and leadership. 

As always, the overarching goal of the Alliance is health equity among our community members, which we work towards through targeted campaigns to raise awareness about health disparities, as well as advocacy for policies promoting health equity. 

We accomplish what we do through the commitment of our Board of Directors, our outstanding GLHA task forces, our dedicated community partners, and our exceptional GLHA staff. We are truly grateful for the opportunity to be part of this vital organization that serves as a catalyst for change, breaking down barriers and pursuing health equity for all. 


Kerrie D’Entremont
Executive Director
Greater Lowell Health Alliance of CHNA 10

Susan West Levine
Board Chair 



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