Message from the Executive Director
It has been another challenging and rewarding year, as we collaborated with Tufts Medicine Lowell General Hospital and our community partners to develop the 2023 Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP), which will serve as a roadmap for GLHA and our partners.
As the severity of the global pandemic eased, we continued in our leadership role to ensure equitable distribution of COVID-19 vaccines and the distribution of personal protection equipment (PPE) to local organizations, as well as forging ahead with our day-to-day business of distributing annual community health grants, hosting community events, and providing support to our GLHA Task Forces.
We took on an important new role this past year, developing an ambitious community outreach program to assist community members with their most urgent needs. The GLHA team oversaw the engagement of thirty outreach workers into the community, culminating in nearly 500 hours of outreach and more than 17,000 face-to-face interactions with community members.
As we continue to grow strategically, so do our challenges and opportunities. During a comprehensive strategic planning process this past year, we identified the opportunity to expand and strengthen our grant-writing efforts as a key component to build a strong and sustainable fiscal foundation for the future. We are pleased to share that we are already seeing the results of those efforts.
This is an exciting and pivotal time for this great organization, and none of it would be possible without the leadership of Board Chair Susan West Levine, our amazing Board of Directors, steering committee, task force leaders and members, GLHA staff Amanda Clermont and Hannah Tello, and our incredible community partners. Thank you for all you do to make a difference in people’s lives every day.
In good health,
Kerrie D’Entremont
Executive Director
Greater Lowell Health Alliance of CHNA 10