GLHA Networking Luncheon
Date: Friday, April 8, 2016
Time: 11:30am-1:00pm
Location: Tewksbury Hospital, 365 East Street, Tewksbury
* Note – 1st Luncheon outside of Lowell
RSVP By April 1 by clicking the following link below:
Please join us for networking, to learn about the Greater Lowell Health Alliance, and how they are working to improve the health of our communities.
April is Sexual Assault Prevention Awareness Month
A special presentation will be given by Isa Woldeguiorguis, Executive Director, and Tara Lynch, Medical Advocacy Coordinator from the Center for Hope and Healing on A Coordinated Community Response to Sexual Assault: How healthcare, advocates and law enforcement work together.
Sexual violence continues to plague our country and destroy lives. All members of society are vulnerable to this crime, regardless of race, age, gender, ability, or social standing. For those who are victims of sexual assault, accessing sensitive and individualized care within a network of coordinated community resources can positively impact their ability to start healing. Empowering individuals is key to our community collaborative approach as a best practice. Learn how the Center for Hope and Healing, hospitals, and law enforcement collaborate to provide advocacy, medical care, evidence collection, investigation, and ongoing support to victims of this crime.