Suicide Prevention – (#329) Widening the Lens: Shattering the Filter of Whiteness in Suicide Prevention is scheduled for Wednesday, July 22, 2020.
Below are the details pertaining to this event.
Date: Wednesday, July 22, 2020
Time: 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm
Location: Virtual Zoom Training
Registration fee: $15.00
Registration Deadline: July 20, 2020 (or when workshop reaches capacity)
Continuing Education: 1.5
Click on the title below to learn more information on this workshop and to register.
Widening the Lens: Shattering the Filter of Whiteness in Suicide Prevention
Please be advised that you will need to select the appropriate Tab at the top of the page to view each page of the brochure (i.e. Summary, Agenda, Fees & Other, etc.). Click on each tab to view the details pertaining to this event.
They hope to have many new and familiar faces joining us! Please share with colleagues!
Interested in joining an MCSP subcommittee, the MCSP Alliance for Equity (either the People of Color or White Ally Caucus), becoming a member or getting more involved? Email for more information!
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CONTACT for more information:
Jennifer Kelliher
Managing Director
Massachusetts Coalition for Suicide Prevention